Building a Career in Science: Academia or Industry?

If you’re a student in a research lab, discussing career options with your PI can be a tricky topic to navigate. Whether real or perceived, many students feel they cannot bring up the subject of a career in industry with their PI because they will lose credibility as a serious researcher. In labs where thinking […]

You’re Hired – Tips for Nailing a Job Interview

So far, we’ve discussed the importance of keeping a schedule when you’re job searching and investigating company cultures. Now that your resume is flawless and you are likely going to be interviewed for your dream job, we should move on to the interviews. Interviewers will not only be assessing your ability to do the job, […]

Surviving the Job Hunt

So you’re looking for a job.  Maybe you’ve been laid off, downsized, fired, or just finished school. The hunt is now on to find gainful and hopefully meaningful employment. There’s no way around it. Being unemployed is no fun. Trust me, I’ve been there – more than once! To aid in your job search, we’ve […]

7 Ways to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

According to Business Insider, more than 30,000 organizations throughout the globe use LinkedIn to recruit new hires. If you’re looking for a new job and haven’t optimized your LinkedIn profile, you’re missing a HUGE opportunity! Read on for 7 ways you can upgrade your LinkedIn profile to become more attractive to hiring managers.   Written […]

Networking for Scientists Part II: How to Get a Job (Hopefully)

Times are hard. Unemployment is high. Networking and maintaining job-relevant connections is more important than ever.  Employers literally get hundreds of applications for each job posting.  One of the most useful ways to make yourself stand out in a crowd (besides things like credentials and resumes) is to have a personal recommendation.  In my last […]