Webinars – ISHI News


Advancements in forensic techniques and technologies never stop, so learning shouldn't either. Watch one of our on-demand webinars or register for upcoming trainings.

On-Demand Webinars

First AIred February 22, 2023


If you find yourself wondering “what comes next?” after graduation, you’re not alone! We’ve asked our ISHI Advisory Committee to share their vast experience and help answer your questions ranging from what to put on your resume to what you can experience once you’re hired.

Panel members include:

  • Brian Hoey | Director, Missouri State Highway Patrol
  • Dr. Claire Glynn | Associate Professor, University of New Haven
  • Brian Kim | Criminalist, Los Angeles Police Department
  • Dr. Nicole Novroski | Forensic Geneticist and Assistant Professor, University of Toronto, Mississauga
  • Deedra Hughes | Assistant Director, CODIS Administrator, Mississippi Crime Laboratory


Watch On Demand



First aired April 13, 2022


For over four decades, the Golden State Killer eluded capture–until 2018, when a revolutionary tool known as forensic investigative genetic genealogy (FIGG) unmasked him as 72-year-old Joseph James DeAngelo. Using genome-wide testing to generate a comprehensive DNA profile, FIGG helps narrow down a pool of suspects by linking them to relatives who have submitted their own DNA samples for genetic genealogical analysis. Since 2018, FGG has been deployed for lead generation in over 200 suspect cases around the world. This free three-part webinar equips genetic forensics professionals with information about what cases are best suited for FGG, what labs and prosecutors will face when they take these cases to court, and which technologies are best for generating a genetic profile for FGG analysis.