
Casework Supervisor, Forensic Biology Unit, Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office

Alyse Margetts is a distinguished forensic DNA analyst and casework supervisor with over a decade of expertise in the field. In 2020, Alyse transitioned into a training coordinator role to meet the ever-growing training demands of the unit. As a training coordinator, she worked closely with the technical leader to develop new training programs that emphasized theoretical knowledge, hands-on learning, and speaking opportunities.

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Forensic Validation Coordinator, Center for Human Identification at the University of North Texas Health Science Center

Amy Smuts is currently the Forensic Validation Coordinator of the Center for Human Identification at the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth, Texas. She has been at UNTCHI since 2000, having spent the majority of that time in casework.

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President, SciLawForensics, Ltd

Anjali Ranadive is the President of SciLawForensics, Ltd, a forensic science and legal consulting firm in Phoenix, AZ. Ms. Ranadive is an Advisory Commissioner on the American Academy of Forensic Science’s Forensic (AAFS) Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission (FEPAC), has served on the AAFS program committee in various capacities for the last twenty years and is a former member of the AAFS Board of Directors.

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Former Sacramento County District Attorney

Ms. Schubert has advanced cutting-edge DNA technologies for nearly three decades.  This includes conducting one of the first DNA admissibility hearings on the validity of PCR based DNA evidence in California, resulting in a published appellate opinion.  She pioneered the use of John Doe DNA warrants in 2000, a practice since upheld by the California Supreme Court and now routinely used throughout the country. In 2002, she formed Sacramento’s Cold Case Prosecution Unit, and served as its first prosecutor, solving, and prosecuting several high-profile cases including the rape and murder of Deborah Chandler by convicted serial killer Wilbur Jennings aka “The Ditch Bank Killer.” 

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Founder of AudioChuck | Podcaster | Best-Selling Author | Advocate

Ashley Flowers is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of audiochuck, an Indiana-based, award-winning, independent media company with 10+ chart-topping podcasts and over 2 billion listener downloads. Driven by her passion for advocacy and justice, Flowers founded the nonprofit Season of Justice, which has granted over $1 million to support investigative agencies and families in solving cold cases. Her advocacy-driven content not only raises awareness for underreported cases but also drives positive change within the justice system.

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Assistant Professor, Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, University of North Texas Health Science Center

August Woerner is an Assistant Professor in the department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics at the University of North Texas Health Science Center. Much of August’s current research focuses on whole genome sequencing, particular, its application to forensic genetic genealogy.

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Forensics Program Manager, American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)

Brittney Rollison is the Forensics Program Manager at the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA). In this role, one her duties involves supporting the day-to-day operations of the organization by assisting clients in obtaining and maintaining accreditation.

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DNA Analyst, Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office

Brittney Svoboda recived her Bachelor of Science in Biology with a minor in Criminal Justice Studies from the University of Dayton and her Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences Concentrating in Forensic DNA & Serology at the University of Florida. She is currently a DNA Analyst at the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office, Cleveland, OH for the past ten years.

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Assistant Director, IGG Center and the Director of the IGG Certificate Program

Cairenn Binder is the Assistant Director of the IGG Center and the Director of the IGG Certificate Program. Cairenn has been at the forefront of IGG since its inception, applying genetic genealogy to identify human remains with the nonprofit organization DNA Doe Project from 2018 through 2023.

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Laboratorio de Genética Forense, Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado en Baja California Sur

Doctora en Ciencias, con especialidad en Biotecnología por el Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste. Actualmente es Investigadora experta forense, para el laboratorio de genética de la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado de Baja California Sur, México; con 9 años de experiencia, atendiendo casos relevantes para la obtención de perfiles genéticos, los cuales han ayudado a resolver diversos tipos de delitos, apoyando a la procuración de justicia; además tiene amplia experiencia en la participación en Juicios Orales.

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Senior Forensic DNA Attorney, Brooklyn Defender Services (BDS)

Clint was the lead attorney of the pro bono DNA litigation team that successfully precluded the application of the DNA mixture software STRmix and the modified random match probability to DNA samples in the upstate New York murder case People v. Hillary, in 2016. Clint was also a member of the legal team that successfully precluded use of the Forensic Statistical Tool (FST) software and low copy number (LCN) DNA testing in People v. Collins, in Brooklyn, New York in 2014.

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Deputy Director, Forensic Biology Department, New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner

Craig O’Connor is a Deputy Director in the Department of Forensic Biology at the New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner, the largest public DNA Lab in the country with over 200 analysts and technicians. He manages the daily operations in the department ensuring that the analytical work conforms to state and national accreditation requirements and federal quality assurance standards.

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Senior Opinion Editor, Scientific American

Dan Vergano is a senior opinion editor at Scientific American. He is the chair of the New Horizons committee of the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing (CASW) and serves on both National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) and American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) writing award panels.

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Founder, Forensic DNA Service

Dr. Daniel Vanĕk started his forensic career in 1992 as the Head of Police DNA laboratory in Prague, Czech Republic. In 2002 he joined the International Commission on Missing Persons to help with the DNA-based identification of victims from mass graves in the former Yugoslavia.

In 2005 he founded the company Forensic DNA Service, which is a market leader in contracted R&D, animal DNA forensics and archaeogenetics. Dr. Daniel Vanĕk leads the courses of forensic genetics and biology at Charles University in Prague, serves as an expert for the Municipal Court in Prague.

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Senior Research Scientist and Group Leader, Advanced Technologies Group (ATG) at Promega Corporation

Dr. Mokry is a Senior Research Scientist and Group Leader within the Advanced Technologies Group (ATG) at Promega Corporation. He received his doctorate from the University of Georgia in Biochemistry and specializes in Protein Engineering, which involves creating novel enzymes with unique functions.

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Forensic Biology Lab, New York City Chief Medical Examiner

During a nine-year tenure at the New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Forensic Biology lab, Erin Butler has focused on the statistical basis for the confident identification of proteins with mass spectrometry and its application in forensic body fluid and species identification, including the design and validation of a comprehensive data analysis strategy for identification of blood, semen, and saliva proteins that has been implemented in OCME’s molecular serology assay.

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CTO, Indago Solutions, LLC

Isak Bosman’s pioneering work in AI has been recognized on a global stage, notably at the United Nations Convention in Geneva for combating child sex abuse. He has also been honored with an Innovation Award from the Air Force for his groundbreaking AI contributions to field operations. As CTO of Indago Solutions, Isak is committed to leveraging AI for good by developing solutions that aid investigators in solving critical crimes.

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President – JEMM Consulting, LLC

Jason P. Moran is the President of JEMM Consulting, LLC. Jason is also a member of the Cook County Sheriff’s Office where he has served for twenty-five (25) years. He currently holds the rank of Commander of Police. In that role, Jason leads the Forensic Services Initiative which is responsible for the investigation of human identification cases, complex deaths, cold missing person and homicide cases, and death care industry incidents.

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DNA Technical Leader, Kansas City Police Crime Laboratory

Jennifer McMurray is the DNA Technical Leader for the Kansas City Police Crime Laboratory.  She has been working in forensics for almost 20 years and has been a DNA Technical Leader since 2018. 

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Departamento de Biología del Servicio Central de Criminalística de la Guardia Civil (Ministerio del Interior, España)

Teniente de la Guardia Civil, responsable del área de I+D del Departamento de Biología del Servicio Central de Criminalística de la Guardia Civil (Ministerio del Interior, España). Perito en ADN humano, con más de quince años de experiencia en genética forense. Licenciado en Biología y Doctor por la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, España).

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High-Stakes Leadership Consultant and Executive Coach at Critical Victories

John Collins is a High-Stakes Leadership Consultant and Executive Coach at Critical Victories, a company he founded to help people, teams, and organizations thrive in high-pressure environments where perfection is an expectation and failure is a ticket out the door.  He is also among the most respected forensic experts in the United States, recently publishing his first book on leadership and management in forensic science, which was released by Academic Press just last month. 

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Departamento de Biología del Servicio Central de Criminalística de la Guardia Civil (Ministerio del Interior, España)

Comandante Jefe del Departamento de Biología del Servicio Central de Criminalística de la Guardia Civil (Ministerio del Interior, España). Graduado en Derecho por la Universidad Europea (Madrid, España), Master en Ciencias Policiales por la Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid, España), con más de quince años de experiencia en genética forense, especialmente en la gestión de bases de datos de perfiles de ADN.

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Unidad de Genética Forense de Valparaíso, Servicio Médico Legal, Chile

Bioquímico y Magister en análisis Clínico. Diplomado en Genética Forense y especializado en el Universidad Complutense de Madrid y en el Instituto de Toxicología y Ciencias Forenses de Barcelona. Miembro de la ISFG. Trabajo desde hace 19 años en el Servicio Médico Legal de Valparaíso.

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Professor of Chemistry, Towson University

Kelly Elkins, PhD, is Professor of Chemistry and co-Director of the TU Human Remains Identification Laboratory at Towson University and a Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and the American Chemical Society.

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Team Leader, Human Remains Identification Team, Australian Federal Police (AFP)

Dr. Kelly Grisedale is the Team Leader of the Human Remains Identification Team at the Australian Federal Police (AFP). She is passionate about human remains and missing persons identification, with a focus on the development, optimisation and evaluation of new technologies to improve the analysis of challenging forensic samples.

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Program Coordinator, Season of Justice

After a fulfilling career in tech, where she worked directly with law enforcement, Crime Stoppers programs, and school safety teams to develop and implement anonymous reporting programs in schools nationwide, Kendall transitioned to the nonprofit sector in 2021 to make a more direct impact on unsolved investigations. Since joining Season of Justice in July 2021, initially as a volunteer and then in a full-time capacity, Kendall has leveraged her passion for justice and her expertise to develop the organization’s grant management database, establish key operational procedures, and streamline processes, significantly enhancing SOJ’s reach and efficiency.

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Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice, Bowie State University

Dr. Kofi A. Afrifah has 12 years experience as a forensic DNA analyst with the Ghana Police Forensic Laboratory, where he served as the technical leader. His research interests are in low template DNA and microbial forensics

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Capital Area Private Defender Service- Director of Legal Services

Ariel is Director of Legal Services for the Capital Area Private Defender Service (CAPDS) and oversees 150+ defense attorneys in Travis County (Austin). He has been a defense attorney for 30 years and has spent the last 15 years focused on capital cases, both trial and appeal. He is a frequent lecturer on all thing’s science, but mostly DNA which he almost understands.

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DNA Analyst, DNA Labs International (DLI)

Mandi Van Buren began her forensic career at the Utah Bureau of Forensic Services and now has over 15 years of experience as a DNA analyst in forensic casework, crime scene processing and 7 years as a drug chemist.  Beyond casework, her expertise is in advanced DNA technologies such as next generation sequencing (NGS) and probabilistic genotyping including validations, implementation, training and expert testimony. 

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Postdoctoral Researcher and Associate Professor, Laboratory of Genetic Identification (LABIGEN), University of Granada

María Saiz Guinaldo, Ph.D., is a postdoctoral researcher and associate professor at the Laboratory of Genetic Identification (LABIGEN) in the Department of Legal Medicine, Toxicology, and Physical Anthropology at the University of Granada. Her work focuses on using DNA for the identification of missing persons through forensic genetics, molecular biology, and next-generation sequencing.

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Laboratorio De Genética/Instituto De Servicios Periciales Y Ciencias Forenses De La Ciudad De México

Química Farmacéutica Bióloga, Egresada De La Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, maestra en ciencias de la salud por la universidad nacional autónoma de México, con especialidad en el campo de la biología molecular, candidata a doctora en ciencias forenses por el centro de estudios superiores en ciencias jurídicas y criminológicas. Experiencia como perito en genética forense de 18 años. Actualmente se encuentra laborando en el instituto de servicios periciales y ciencias forenses dependiente del tribunal superior de justicia de la ciudad de México.

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Assistant Director, New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner

Mark Desire is an Assistant Director with the New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner. He works in the Department of Forensic Biology, New York City’s DNA crime lab and the largest of its kind in North America. During his 27 years of employment, he has investigated thousands of criminal and missing persons cases. He is the manager of the World Trade Center DNA Identification Team, a unit dedicated to advancing the science and helping return loved ones to their families.

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East Region Team Leader of the FBI Investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG) Team

Special Agent (SA) Mark James has 20 years of law enforcement experience as an FBI SA assigned to the Baltimore Field Office investigating gangs, narcotics, and violent crimes. Since March 2020, SA James has been the East Region Team Leader of the FBI Investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG) Team, which is responsible for conducting IGG on violent crime and unidentified human remains cases on the East Coast of the United States. The East Region FBI IGG Team has been responsible for the successful resolution of numerous violent crimes—including rapes and murders—and the identification of unknown homicide victims.

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Director of Investigative Support for American Indian and Alaskan Native (AI/AN) DNA Testing, Center for Human Identification, the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth

Mark Pooley is the Director of Investigative Support for American Indian and Alaskan Native (AI/AN) DNA testing at the Center for Human Identification, the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth. Mark’s mission is to bring advance technology to Tribal and Indigenous communities and provide resources to investigations regarding Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP).

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DNA Technical Leader, Oregon State Police

Marla Kaplan is the DNA Technical Leader for the Oregon State Police, a position she’s held since 2009. She’s been a member of SWGDAM since 2020 where she helped author the SWGDAM Report on Y-Screening of Sexual Assault Evidence Kits and she currently serves on the QA committee.

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Lead Assessor for Relationship Testing, AABB

Marsha Deitz has worked for AABB as the staff Lead Assessor for Relationship Testing since January 2010. Marsha is a Certified Quality Auditor with ASQ, a certified lead auditor for ISO/IEC 17025, a forensic scientist and licensed Medical Technologist.

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Casework Laboratory Director, UNT Center for Human Identification

Melissa Haas serves as the Casework Laboratory Director for UNT Center for Human Identification overseeing all technical operations of the laboratory.  Prior to joining UNT Center for Human Identification, Melissa served as the DNA Section Supervisor for the Texas Department of Public Safety Regional Crime Laboratory in Garland, Texas.  Melissa has over 20 years of experience in forensic DNA casework with expertise in STRs, Y-STRs and SNPs.

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Senior Forensic Science Research Manager, Special Programs Office, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Melissa Taylor is a Senior Forensic Science Research Manager within the Special Programs Office at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Her work within the Forensic Science Program focuses primarily on integrating human-factors principles into forensic sciences, process mapping, and expert decision-making.

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