Delving into the Diversity of The Plague of Justinian

Human teeth play a key role in our understanding of how organisms evolve. Whenever a possible new member of the hominid family is uncovered, the shape and number of teeth are used to place that individual in the family tree. Teeth also harbor information about pathogens that have plagued humans for millennia. Because bacteria use […]

The Effects of Bias on Crime Scene Investigators

As a crime scene investigator, it is nearly impossible to secure every item and trace from a crime scene, contrary to what television shows would lead you to believe. So which items would you prioritize? Would it depend on the type of crime committed? Perhaps contextual information, such as witness statements or leads would tell […]

A Closer Look at Mass Shooters: Who Are They and How Do We Stop Them?

How do you prevent a mass shooting? With the dramatic rise in mass shootings over the past few years, that question has been asked more and more. The FBI defines a mass shooting as an incident where four or more people, not including the suspect, perish in one or more public locations within 24 hours. […]

Molecular Autopsies in the Whole Genome Sequencing Era

Every year, nearly 8 million people die from sudden cardiac death, which is defined as the unexpected death of a seemingly healthy person due to malfunctions in the heart’s electrical system and loss of cardiac function. Although sudden cardiac death (SCD) is usually associated with mature adults, SCD claims thousands of young lives every year. In […]

Broaden Your Horizons While Pursuing Your Doctorate—You Will Be Glad You Did

What can someone pursuing a doctorate in the biosciences DO during that time to widen the possibilities of employment in the future? In general, the process of obtaining the doctorate has been criticized for taking too long and not doing enough to prepare students for what they will do when they graduate. Considering these criticisms, […]

This Week in Forensic Science

No one has hours to scour the papers to keep up with the latest news, so we’ve curated the top news stories in the field of Forensic Science for this week. Here’s what you need to know to get out the door!     Meet the Molecular Man (RED – 8/20/2018) Phillip Danielson, Ph.D., has spent […]

Inspiring the Next Generation of Scientists

My twin daughters are finishing up their 10th-grade year next month, finding themselves smack in the middle of their high school experience, and discussions of classes, colleges and careers are increasing in frequency in my household. (It’s cliché, but I have to say it… Where does the time go?) As the girls begin to ponder […]