Validation Principles, Practices, Parameters, Performance Evaluations, and Protocols

Validation Principles, Practices, Parameters, Performance Evaluations, and Protocols


This workshop will discuss validation principles (the why), practices (the how), parameters (the what), performance evaluations (the when), and protocols (the so what) important to establishing the degree of reliability involved in aspects of forensic DNA mixture interpretation. Topics to be covered include a review of currently available guidance documents on validation and suggestions on how to perform, describe, and utilize validation data from all parts of the DNA interpretation pipeline including probabilistic genotyping software. Published literature on validation experiments with probabilistic genotyping software will be reviewed.


Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the workshop attendees will:

  1. Be cognizant of guidance documents and principles underlying quality validation studies.
  2. Be better informed on approaches and principles involved in validation to assist DNA mixture interpretation protocol development where the limits of data and mixture interpretation are recognized.
  3. Appreciate the importance of defining limitations with methods used in DNA interpretation and be aware of approaches for doing so.
  4. Be exposed to a review of published validation experiments performed on probabilistic genotyping software.
  5. Recognize the differences and relationships between accreditation, validation, optimization and verification within the laboratory’s DNA testing and interpretation processes.

Intended Audience:

DNA Technical Leaders, DNA analysts, laboratory directors, QA/QC managers, attorneys, academicians, consultants and aspiring DNA analysts (students)

Pre-requisites include: Experience with forensic DNA profiling techniques and STR data interpretation. Minimal working knowledge or experience with probabilistic genotyping software would be helpful but is not required.


This workshop will discuss validation principles (the why), practices (the how), parameters (the what), performance evaluations (the when), and protocols (the so what) important to establishing the degree of reliability involved in aspects of forensic DNA mixture interpretation. Topics to be covered include a review of currently available guidance documents on validation and suggestions on how to perform, describe, and utilize validation data from all parts of the DNA interpretation pipeline including probabilistic genotyping software. Published literature on validation experiments with probabilistic genotyping software will be reviewed.


Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the workshop attendees will:

  1. Be cognizant of guidance documents and principles underlying quality validation studies.
  2. Be better informed on approaches and principles involved in validation to assist DNA mixture interpretation protocol development where the limits of data and mixture interpretation are recognized.
  3. Appreciate the importance of defining limitations with methods used in DNA interpretation and be aware of approaches for doing so.
  4. Be exposed to a review of published validation experiments performed on probabilistic genotyping software.
  5. Recognize the differences and relationships between accreditation, validation, optimization and verification within the laboratory’s DNA testing and interpretation processes.

Intended Audience:

DNA Technical Leaders, DNA analysts, laboratory directors, QA/QC managers, attorneys, academicians, consultants and aspiring DNA analysts (students)

Pre-requisites include: Experience with forensic DNA profiling techniques and STR data interpretation. Minimal working knowledge or experience with probabilistic genotyping software would be helpful but is not required.


  • Registration Fee$50

Workshop currently at capacity. A waitlist is available to join on our registration page.

Brought to you by

Worldwide Association of Women Forensic Experts


John Butler

NIST Fellow & Special Assistant to the Director at the National Institute of Standards and Technology

John M. Butler holds a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from the University of Virginia. He has written five textbooks on Forensic DNA Typing (2001, 2005, 2010, 2012, and 2015) and given hundreds of invited talks to scientists, lawyers, and members of the general public throughout the United States and in 26 other countries so far. Dr. Butler is a NIST Fellow (highest scientific rank at NIST) and Special Assistant to the Director for Forensic Science in the Special Programs Office at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

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