Using Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) to Improve Sexual Assault Investigations Workshop

Using Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) to Improve Sexual Assault Investigations Workshop


Sexual assault kits make up the majority of operational casework for many laboratories in the United States. Next-generation sequencing offers enhanced technical and analytical capabilities that can aid in processing these kits effectively. This workshop explores how NGS can obtain more information, provide more investigative leads and thus reduce the backlog. A panel of experts will discuss (1) the strengths and limitations of CE and NGS, (2) the value of Y-STRs and SNPs for short and long range familial searches, (3) options for STR and SNP mixture deconvolution, and (4) data interpretation and validation studies to enable seamless implement NGS for sexual assault resolution.


Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand the relative benefits and limitations of CE and NGS for processing sexual assault samples in an operational laboratory setting
  2. Learn how novel markers and techniques can be employed in analysis of sexual assault casework
  3. Discover what mixture deconvolution software options are available for the different markers available with NGS
  4. How other labs have evaluated or validated NGS for their sexual assault casework workflows

Handouts include development validation studies and implementation strategies.


Intended Audience:

Lab directors, Technical Leaders, Forensic scientists, Criminalists



TimePresentation titleSpeaker
1:00 – 1:10Why NGS, Why Now? Baselining sexual assault workflows in operational labs


Bruce Budowle
1:10 – 1:40A comparison of tools and technologies


Swathi A. Kumar
1:40 – 2:10Validating STRs for sexual assault: NGS vs CEBruce Budowle
2:10 – 2:25BREAK 
2:25 – 2:50Validating SNPs for identity and investigative leads


Rachel Oefelein
2:50 – 3:20Deconvoluting and interpreting mixtures with SNP and STR profiles


June Snedecor
3:20 – 3:50A cookbook for implementation and preparation for admissibility hearings


Mandi Van Buren
3:50 – 4:00Conclusion 


Sexual assault kits make up the majority of operational casework for many laboratories in the United States. Next-generation sequencing offers enhanced technical and analytical capabilities that can aid in processing these kits effectively. This workshop explores how NGS can obtain more information, provide more investigative leads and thus reduce the backlog. A panel of experts will discuss (1) the strengths and limitations of CE and NGS, (2) the value of Y-STRs and SNPs for short and long range familial searches, (3) options for STR and SNP mixture deconvolution, and (4) data interpretation and validation studies to enable seamless implement NGS for sexual assault resolution.


Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand the relative benefits and limitations of CE and NGS for processing sexual assault samples in an operational laboratory setting
  2. Learn how novel markers and techniques can be employed in analysis of sexual assault casework
  3. Discover what mixture deconvolution software options are available for the different markers available with NGS
  4. How other labs have evaluated or validated NGS for their sexual assault casework workflows

Handouts include development validation studies and implementation strategies.


Intended Audience:

Lab directors, Technical Leaders, Forensic scientists, Criminalists



TimePresentation titleSpeaker
1:00 – 1:10Why NGS, Why Now? Baselining sexual assault workflows in operational labs


Bruce Budowle
1:10 – 1:40A comparison of tools and technologies


Swathi A. Kumar
1:40 – 2:10Validating STRs for sexual assault: NGS vs CEBruce Budowle
2:10 – 2:25BREAK 
2:25 – 2:50Validating SNPs for identity and investigative leads


Rachel Oefelein
2:50 – 3:20Deconvoluting and interpreting mixtures with SNP and STR profiles


June Snedecor
3:20 – 3:50A cookbook for implementation and preparation for admissibility hearings


Mandi Van Buren
3:50 – 4:00Conclusion 


  • Early Registration$200
  • Standard Registration$220
  • Virtual Registration$125

Workshop currently at capacity. A waitlist is available to join on our registration page.

Brought to you by

Worldwide Association of Women Forensic Experts


Rachel Oefelein

DNA Labs International (DLI)

Rachel Oefelein is currently the Director of Research and Innovation, Quality Assurance Manager, and a Senior DNA Analyst at DNA Labs International (DLI). Since joining DNA Labs International in 2014, Rachel has testified in eleven Florida counties, five states and U.S. Territories, and five countries as an expert witness for both the prosecution and the defense in misdemeanor and felony trials, as well as Williams, Daubert, and Arthur hearings.

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