Meet Your Exhibitors – COPAN

When ISHI began 30 years ago, RFLP was state of the art, DNA typing was in its infancy, and the world wide web was years in the future. DNA technology has seen many changes over three decades, and vendors at ISHI have been there to support every step in the DNA typing process.


As we celebrate our 30th anniversary, we’d like to take an opportunity to learn about the exhibitors who continue to advance the field. Today, we’re talking with Marica Barezzani, Business Developer for Forensic Consumables at COPAN.





Hi Marica, thanks for talking with us! Can you please tell us a little bit about Copan and Copan Newlab?


COPAN is a leading manufacturer of specimen collection and transport systems in the world. Our collaborative approach to innovation in pre-analytics has resulted in the original 4N6 FLOQSwabs®, Nucleic-Card™, NAO®Basket and as well as Laboratory Automation such us our CPA200, a semi-automated puncher for Human DNA samples processing and traceability.


Our R&D recently brought us to develop the microFLOQ® , an innovative collection device for rapid DNA analysis.


How will these products benefit forensic DNA analysts?

Careful sample collection and handling of evidence play a crucial role in human identification and crime scene forensic investigations.


Our products meet the Forensic DNA Laboratories and Police Laboratories’ need to use consumables properly manufactured with minimal risk of interference from contaminating human DNA since all our forensic products are certified free of human amplifiable DNA, free of detectable DNase and RNase, EtO treated and manufactures in compliance with the new ISO18385 standards.


The MicroFLOQ Direct collection tool was introduced through a poster presented by Sylvain Hubac of the French Gendarmerie last year. Can you tell us a little more about this product?


We worked closely together with Sylvain Hubac of the French Gendarmerie (IRCGN) on the idea to develop a tool that would allow investigators to obtain fast results in time-sensitive cases such as mass-disaster.


There’s an increasing need for rapid DNA testing technology to reduce backlog, aid in time sensitive cases such mass disaster where identification is crucial and to especially provide answers to families.


The lyising treatment applied on the fibers makes the collected sample ready for amplification without the need of extraction and this helps investigators to obtain a complete and high-quality profile in less than 2 hours.


The advantage and the real game changer for current workflows or available rapid DNA market solutions is that, regardless of their location or ability to have expensive rapid DNA equipment in the lab, the microFLOQ® can be used by investigators on the field in combination with all commercially available amplification platforms.


This dramatically reduces the time needed to identify traces or bodies at complex crime scenes as answers can be obtained directly on the field if mobile labs are present by also giving the advantage of keeping the scene intact as its small size minimize any alteration to the scene composition.



As a veteran in the forensic DNA field, how has the field changed since you first started? What do anticipate the next 5, 10, or even 20 years looking like?


In the past few years we saw enormous improvement in the field thanks to will of the community to have more standardized practice, and we believe that the global forensic community in the future will keep working on optimal solution to improve analysis sensitivity, give faster answers and reach community standards for testing.



How many ISHI meetings have you attended? What changes have you noticed throughout the years?


I believe we attended since 2012, so this will be our 7th year and we are excited! Year by year we have been surprised to see how ISHI expanded globally and had visitor from some many different countries as well as the ever increasing quality of workshops and lectures.



Do you have any favorite memories from past meetings?

We loved last year’s Ranch Party!


Thank you for taking the time to chat with us. We look forward to seeing you in September!